Extending Ibexa Commerce - Custom product attributes

How to create a new product attribute type in Ibexa Commerce
Ibexa Commerce New custom attributs

16 Aug 2024

While working on a client project in Ibexa Commerce, I needed to add a discriminating attribute on a product type to contain a simple text. Unfortunately, Ibexa Commerce does not natively include this type of attribute.

If the attribute concerned the product and not the variants, I could have simply replaced the attribute with a content field, since products are contents. For variants, however, I am limited by the existing attribute types.

So I started to examine the Ibexa Commerce code to understand how attribute types are managed, and to be able to create my own. In the end, it consists of a table to store the data, a few PHP classes, and a bit of service configuration.


First, a bit of configuration to declare the attribute type. In your services configuration:


       class: Ibexa\ProductCatalog\Local\Repository\Attribute\AttributeType
           $identifier: string
           -   name: ibexa.product_catalog.attribute_type
               alias: string 

We simply declare a new attribute type with a string identifier. This identifier will be reused to link to other services used by our attribute type.


Ibexa Commerce stores product attributes in ibexa_product_specification_attribute_* tables, one per attribute type. So I'll do the same and create an ibexa_product_specification_attribute_string table.

Here is the associated Doctrine migration:


namespace DoctrineMigrations; 
use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema;
use Doctrine\Migrations\AbstractMigration; 
final class Version20240122141124 extends AbstractMigration
   public function up(Schema $schema): void
       $this->addSql("CREATE TABLE ibexa_product_specification_attribute_string (id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, value VARCHAR(255) NULL, CONSTRAINT ibexa_product_specification_attribute_string_fk FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES ibexa_product_specification_attribute (id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE);");
       $this->addSql("CREATE INDEX ibexa_product_specification_attribute_string_value_idx ON ibexa_product_specification_attribute_string (value);");
   public function down(Schema $schema): void
       $this->addSql("DROP TABLE ibexa_product_specification_attribute_string");


Now that I have my table, I need to tell Ibexa how to store my values. First, I create a class to represent the table structure:


namespace App\Commerce\Attribute\String; 
use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Types;
use Ibexa\Contracts\ProductCatalog\Local\Attribute\StorageDefinitionInterface; 
class StringStorageDefinition implements StorageDefinitionInterface
   // Liste de colonnes (hors id) avec leur type
   public function getColumns(): array
       return [
           'value' => Types::TEXT,
   // Nom de la table
   public function getTableName(): string
       return 'ibexa_product_specification_attribute_string';

Then a class to convert the table data into application data and vice versa:


namespace App\Commerce\Attribute\String; 
use Ibexa\Contracts\ProductCatalog\Local\Attribute\StorageConverterInterface; 
class StringStorageConverter implements StorageConverterInterface
   // On lit simplement le contenu de la colonne value
   public function fromPersistence(array $data)
       return $data['value'];
   // On met la valeur applicative dans la colonne value
   public function toPersistence($value): array
       return [
           'value' => $value,

And finally, a bit of configuration:


           -   name: ibexa.product_catalog.attribute.storage_converter
               type: string # The identifier of our type 
           -   name: ibexa.product_catalog.attribute.storage_definition
               type: string # The identifier of our type 

Edit form

I create a class to build the edit form:


namespace App\Commerce\Attribute\String; 
use Ibexa\Bundle\ProductCatalog\Validator\Constraints\AttributeValue;
use Ibexa\Contracts\ProductCatalog\Local\Attribute\ValueFormMapperInterface;
use Ibexa\Contracts\ProductCatalog\Values\AttributeDefinitionAssignmentInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert; 
class StringValueFormMapper implements ValueFormMapperInterface
   public function createValueForm(
       string $name,
       FormBuilderInterface $builder,
       AttributeDefinitionAssignmentInterface $assignment,
       array $context = []
   ): void {
       $definition = $assignment->getAttributeDefinition(); 
       // Les options sont presque copiées/collées telles qu'elles de la classe 
       // native IntegerValueFormMapper
       $options = [
           'disabled' => $context['translation_mode'] ?? false,
           'label' => $definition->getName(),
           'block_prefix' => 'string_attribute_value',
           'required' => $assignment->isRequired(),
           'constraints' => [
               new AttributeValue([
                   'definition' => $definition,
       if ($assignment->isRequired()) {
           $options['constraints'][] = new Assert\NotBlank();
       // J'ajoute un champ texte, comme ma valeur est une simple string
       $builder->add($name, TextType::class, $options);

And again, a bit of setup:


           -   name: ibexa.product_catalog.attribute.form_mapper.value
               type: string # The identifier of our type 


And finally the last step, I create a class to tell Ibexa how to format this value for display:


namespace App\Commerce\Attribute\String; 
use Ibexa\Contracts\ProductCatalog\Local\Attribute\ValueFormatterInterface;
use Ibexa\Contracts\ProductCatalog\Values\AttributeInterface; 
class StringValueFormatter implements ValueFormatterInterface
   public function formatValue(AttributeInterface $attribute, array $parameters = []): ?string
       // Since my value is already a string, I return it as is
       return $attribute->getValue();

And the last piece of configuration:


           -   name: ibexa.product_catalog.attribute.formatter.value
               type: string # The identifier of our type 


Despite the lack of documentation on the subject, the associated code is simple and clear. In my case, I simply copied/pasted the code associated with the Integer type and adapted it for a string. For a more complex type, I could have taken inspiration from the SingleMeasurement type, which stores both a numeric value and a unit.